Streetnames in Irish
Those who know me will know that I can't pass a streetname in Irish without looking at it closely. This trait has intensified since I started doing translations and devoted a part of this site to Dublin streetnames in Irish.
No surprise then to find me doing the same in Galway. I have already complimented Galway on my blog but a closer look has turned up a few warts.
I'll be brief.
The Good
I have commented elsewhere on the opportunity for appropriating the version boithr�n for the English lane, as has been done here in Galway. The only problem is they haven't done it consistently, though there may be other reasons for this.
The Different
There are many cases where the two languages are not simply a translation of each other but a reflection of different origins. Two examples: Nun's Island is Swan's Island in Irish; and Bowling Green is Saunder's Road in Irish.
The Downright Wrong

You can't have it both ways. It is either an tsr�id thrasna (above) or an tsr�id trasna (right).

I would favour the second, but in any event they should be consistent.

Me�nach should have an accent on the a and the s�imhi� on the t in �ochtarach should be on the c.

Should be

The normal version would be na
meaning Munster. The version here means Munstermen, but there should not be any s�imhi� on the first letter of