No. 45 James's Street
This was my great-grandfather's bootmaker's shop at
Number 45, James's Street, in the heart of Dublin.
The shop was at this address during the latter part of his career, from 1905 to 1919 when he retired.
It is currently (2006) a Centra convenience store, and Post Office,

When Christopher Burgess originally came to James's Street in 1873 his premises were at No. 122. This building became "ruins" in 1895 at which point he seems to have shifted to a temporary (?) lockup premises in No. 118. For the two years the shop was at 118 (1885-6) he was living at 19 Irwin St., at the end of Bow Lane. He then moved to No. 43 (1887-9), though Thoms has it listed as a tenement at this point.
I can't show a modern version of No.122. It seems to have hung around as "ruins" until about 1900 when it was demolished.
The Lawrence photo, below, shows St. James's (Protestant) Church, probably around 1900, and certainly after the demolition of No.122. The entrance gate to the church (pillars) is at the centre of the block and No. 122 would have been between the second pillar and the next building. [The arch on the extreme right of the picture was constructed as an entrance to the Military Infirmary.]
With thanks to the National Library of Ireland
This is the same view today, though you can't see as much because of the trees. Note that the church spire has been decapitated (1948). It closed for business in 1963, and is now, not entirely inappropriately, a lighting emporium.
At least No. 118, below, where Christopher Burgess spent 2 years, is still standing and may not look unlike it did then. However the property is currently listed as vacant and it may well be due for a facelift.
When Christopher Burgess resurfaced in the street in 1890 his premises were at 45 and 46, shown below in the form they are today.

In 1897 he moved to Nos. 43 and 44. These are shown below as they were then, and in the form they are today.

And, finally, in 1905, he moved (back) to No. 45 (but without No. 46) where he remained until his retirement in 1919. A contemporary and a modern photo of these premises are at the top of the page.
Summary of premises occupied by Christopher Burgess in James's St. 1873-1919
Source: Thom's Dublin Street Directory. Various years.
By way of a final postscript, today's Centra takes the story a step further as it extends from No. 45, on the right,
to No. 47, on the left.
Check out the family in the 1901 and 1911 Censuses
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