Niall had the idea of bringing in 2013 with a bang. Clearly there was a limit to how late you could make this sort of a noise in such a posh and influential area, so he settled on two firings, the first at 5pm and the second at 6pm on New Year's Eve. This meant that, for the first time ever, the firings would be in relative darkness and could be expected to be quite different from the previous daylight firings.
The result was dramatic, as these fabulous photos show: first firing by Ervin Vucaj above, and second firing by Stephan Breton below. Congratulations to these two photographers for immortalising the image of the first repulse of a French night-time seaborne attack. Not forgetting Gunner Thermes, whose outline can be clearly seen in the midst of this engagement, and without whom there would have been no Big Bang on the night.
