Utrechters take their shopfronts very seriously and there are many specialised boutiques in the main and side streets.
Some of the window displays are quite charming and others have a touch of the ghoulish or the ridiculous.

Irish origins back there somewhere. This, however, is an american company. I checked it out. The dutch lady within ventured that there was no such thing as an american anyway as they all came from somewhere else, like Holland or Ireland or wherever.

The three above would be funny only to someone who had a passing acquaintance with Hiberno-English.

This one really tickled me pink, so to speak. The Cathedral Sex Shop, and not a sign of a chastity belt, or one of a crozier either, for that matter.

Every young boy's dream. If you couldn't afford this stuff you had to make do with Hornby or Triang.

You can have trains in the window but dare you lean your bicycle against the glass!

Bit of a cradle to the grave air about the stuff above.

Bloody Hell. Pissinchips.