Do you know them?
The photographs which follow have turned up in family papers and I would appreciate any help you might be able to give in identifying who the people are, and any information you might have on them.
I have indicated what information I already have with each photo. Unless otherwise stated, they are from my mother's collection, and would be mainly from my Granny's (Burgess/Mortimer) photos.

This photo came from Miriam Burgess, Queenie's daughter. The medals may be a clue - I can't see if they are for sport or dancing. Ref: w1
This photo came from Granny Mortimer's collection. The photo studio was Allison & Co and they had premises in Armagh, Newry, Dundalk and Warrenpoint. Both the woman and girl are wearing glasses. Ref: w2
Now identified by his daughter Breda as Se�n Kelly, son of Bea and Michael. Photo is likely UCD graduation. Se�n died 1990, RIP.
Thank you Breda. You are the first to identify any of my wanted notices. Take a bow! Ref: w5
This photo also came from Matt. I think it has the look of Mick Dwyer about it? I assume the forehead marks are on the photo and not a result of brain surgery. Ref: w6
This photo also came from Matt. Ref: w7
This photo also came from Matt. Ref: w8
This photo came from the Fleming side but is probably one of the Burgess girls.
Ref. W9
This photo came from the Fleming side.
Ref W10
This photo came from Fleming side.
Ref W11
This photo came from the Fleming side.
Ref W12
This photo came from the Fleming side.
Ref W13
This photo came from the Fleming side.
Ref W14
This photo came from the Fleming side.
Ref W15

I think these are Basin Lane School around 1918.
Ref W16

No idea whose wedding this is.
Ref W17
I'm told this is Miss Price. Possibly a friend of the Burgess side. The studio is McGlover Westmoreland St and Stephen's Green, Dublin
Ref W18
This may be Christopher Joseph Burgess's daughter.
Ref W19
No idea.
Ref W20
A "while you wait" photo from Wellington Terrace Promenade, Blackpool. Looks like it might be Jimmy Dwyer and Maura with (her) relations?
Ref W21
Studio is T. Graves & Co.,36 Henry St., Dublin.
Ref W22
From the Fleming side. Resemblence to boy in W20?
Ref W23
From the Fleming side. I had one of these from my side and was told it was Joe Mortimer.
Ref W24